Magnesium: The Multifaceted Mineral for Muscle, Heart, Brain, and Liver Health


Magnesium plays a crucial role in muscle function, heart health, nervous system function, and energy levels. It helps lower inflammation, prevents high blood pressure, and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Some symptoms of magnesium deficiency include: insomnia, depression, anxiety, low energy, and muscle aches.

Magnesium deficiencies have been found in people with kidney disease, crohn’s disease, cancer, diabetes, and those who drink alcohol. Alcohol acts as a magnesium diuretic, meaning that while consuming alcohol, there is a large amount of urinary excretion of magnesium. With chronic alcohol use, magnesium stores in the body are depleted so magnesium is not being properly absorbed.magnesium analysis for alcohal

It is important to consume enough magnesium through diet or supplements to promote energy levels, metabolism, healthier organ function, and enzyme function.

Many studies have confirmed that alcohol use leads to hypomagnesemia. A randomized double-blind study was conducted to see if adding a magnesium supplement to chronic alcohol users would improve their health. The study showed that magnesium treatment may speed up an aspartate-aminotransferase decrease which can decrease liver disease.

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